Championing innovation: NACETEM's role in Nigeria's science and technology policy

"As Nigeria looks towards a future driven by innovation and knowledge, the contributions of leaders like Dr. Abubakar will remain crucial in realizing the country’s potential."

In the heart of Nigeria’s drive towards becoming an innovation-led economy, the years 2021-2022 marked a significant period for the country's scientific and technological landscape. This was the time when the National Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Policy was actively shaped and refined. Engr. Kazeem Abubakar (PhD) played a pivotal role in this transformative journey. His leadership and dedication were instrumental in drafting and implementing a comprehensive STI policy aimed at steering Nigeria towards a knowledge-based economy. This story unfolds his journey, the collaborative efforts involved, and the impact of these initiatives on Nigeria’s future.

Participating in the National Science and Technology Innovation Policy
Dr. Kazeem Abubakar, an esteemed engineer and researcher, actively participated in the National Science and Technology Innovation Policy from 2021-2022. During this period, he was an integral part of the ministerial committee responsible for the final drafting of the STI policy. This policy was developed by NACETEM in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Innovation Science and Technology. The policy aimed to address the pressing need for a structured approach to science and technology in Nigeria, focusing on enhancing research and development (R&D) and fostering innovation across various sectors.

Drafting the Policy Implementation Plan: 2022-2023
In 2022, Dr. Abubakar’s role evolved as he led a dedicated team in drafting the National Science and Technology Innovation Policy Implementation Plan. This plan was developed for the period 2022-2023, providing a roadmap for translating the policy into actionable steps. Under his leadership, the team meticulously crafted strategies to ensure that the policy’s objectives were met. The implementation plan was crucial for the government’s vision to transition to an export-earning and knowledge economy, positioning Nigeria as a competitive player on the global stage.

The Role of STI Indicators
A significant aspect of the policy and its implementation plan was the use of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) indicators, particularly the Total Government Budgetary Allocation to R&D (GBARD) as a percentage of GDP. The data collected by NACETEM highlighted the fluctuations in GBARD over the years, which underscored the need for a more consistent and robust investment in R&D. The historical data showed GBARD values such as 0.0016% in 2007, dropping to 0.0005% in 2020, and a slight increase to 0.0006% in 2021. Recognizing the importance of these indicators, Dr. Abubakar’s team utilized artificial intelligence (AI) to project future trends, predicting a steady increase from 0.0008% in 2022 to 0.002% by 2035.

Strategic Focus on Economic Transformation
The drafted implementation plan aimed to support Nigeria’s transition towards an export-earning economy and a knowledge economy. This strategic focus was essential for addressing the challenges of capital flight and fostering a sustainable economic environment. The plan outlined various initiatives to enhance the legal and regulatory environment, improve economic and market dynamics, bolster technological infrastructure, and secure financial and intellectual property frameworks. These efforts were designed to create a conducive environment for innovation and attract both local and foreign investments in science and technology.

Challenges and Achievements
The journey to drafting and implementing the STI policy was not without challenges. The team had to navigate bureaucratic hurdles, ensure stakeholder engagement, and address funding constraints. Despite these obstacles, Dr. Abubakar’s leadership ensured that the policy was not only comprehensive but also pragmatic and aligned with Nigeria’s developmental goals. The collaborative effort between NACETEM, the Federal Ministry of Innovation Science and Technology, and other stakeholders resulted in a policy that was well-received and poised to make a significant impact.

Dr. Kazeem Abubakar’s active participation and leadership in the National Science and Technology Innovation Policy from 2021-2022, and his pivotal role in drafting the implementation plan for 2022-2023, exemplify his commitment to advancing Nigeria’s scientific and technological capabilities. The use of STI indicators and AI projections in shaping the policy and its implementation plan highlights a forward-thinking approach to addressing Nigeria’s economic challenges. As Nigeria looks towards a future driven by innovation and knowledge, the contributions of leaders like Dr. Abubakar will remain crucial in realizing the country’s potential.

Kazeem Abubakar, Assistant Director (Research) at the National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM)
~ Kazeem Abubakar, Assistant Director (Research) at the National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM)