Africa Evidence Week 2019

Virtual  2019-09-09 8:00 a.m.    2019-09-13 4:00 p.m.

Africa Evidence Week 2019

The Africa Evidence Network secretariat is hosting the 2019 Africa Evidence Week, happening from 9-13 September 2019.The 2019 Africa Evidence Week intends to be a virtual event driven by African evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) organisations showcasing their excellence in supporting evidence-use (the detailed concept note for the week is attached). We welcome the participation of organisational leaders in EIDM in Africa. The AEN secretariat will be coordinating Africa Evidence Week and will make its communication platforms (website, webinars, YouTube, Twitter, and other social media) available to organisations participating in the week to promote their activities.




Video: Let the celebration begin!
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network (AEN) secretariat
Details: The senior manager of the AEN, Siziwe Ngcwabe, welcomes participants to the first-ever Africa Evidence Week.
See more about the AEN’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @Africa_evidence; @ithubalethu 
Video: Emerging EIDM leader: why I fell in love with EIDM
Organisation/s: Young1ove
Details:  Jennifer Opare-Kumi in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why she fell in love with evidence.
See more about Young1ove’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @Young1ove;@JOkaebea
In-country event: Legacy project – an entrepreneurial university in Africa
Organisation/s: Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Details: The Policy Action Network (PAN) at the HSRC invites government officials, non-profit organisations, researchers, and entrepreneurs to request sponsored registrations to the Triple Helix Conference and Innovation Summit in Cape Town happening from 9-13 September 2019 at the Cape Town Stadium, Fritz Sonnenberg Rd, Green Point, Cape Town. Requests for sponsorship can be made by completing this form. Allocation will be limited. At this event, there will be a discussion of “XVII Triple Helix Conference Legacy Project: Blueprint for an Entrepreneurial University in Africa”. Participants are welcome. 
See more about the HSRC and PAN on their websites: or follow them on Twitter: PAN @Policyprocesses, HSRC @HSRCza ; @pplantinga

Video: Interview with policy-makers from Nigeria
Organisation/s: African Institute for Health Policy & Health Systems
Details: The African Institute for Health Policy & Health Systems interviews policy-makers from Nigeria. 
See more about African Institute for Health Policy & Health Systems’ work on their website: 
Blog: #AfricaEvidenceWeek: what’s happening in Ghana?
Organisation/s: PACKS Africa 
Details: Kirchuffs Atengble of PACKS Africa gives an amazing overview of the events taking place in Ghana during #AfricaEvidenceWeek. As a participant in this country, you’ll be able to attend an opening ceremony, traning workshops, and seminars: this blog post shares all the details you need to know to participate in #AfricaEvidenceWeek from Ghana. 
See more about PACKS Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @PACKS_Africa; @K_Atengble 
Blog: Community Evidence Home Schools: a tool for achieving early-years benefits for children rural settings in conflict Anglophone Cameroon
Organisation/s: Initiative for Social and Economic Development (ISED) - Cameroon
Details: This blog post by ISED colleague Ndi-Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh shares the deeply moving story of Petra, a community member in one of the English-speaking regions of Cameroon, who has started bravely offering home-based pre-school to children affected by the conflict around them. Petra draws on evidence to shape how she teaches the children in her care. 
See more about ISED’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @CameroonIsed;@Euphras01426918;@LouiseAmungwa
Conversation starter: WASH in Africa research into use
Organisation/s: Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity (SHARE) 
Details: This conversation starter will feature two reports and some stories of change produced as part of SHARE’s work in water, sanitation, and hygiene in Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, and Malawi. 
See more about SHARE’s work on their websites: or follow them on Twitter: @SHAREresearch 
In-country event: Evidence databases, maps, and repositories: fit-for purpose to respond rapidly to policy-makers’ evidence needs?
Organisation/s:  The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in South Africa, South African SDG Hub, Centre for Rapid Evidence Synthesis, Africa Centre for Evidence
Details: The seminar reflects on how different evidence synthesis approaches can support the use of evidence in decision-making. The focus of the seminar will be on how to meet policy-makers’ demand for relevant evidence within rapid timeframes. This event is happening on 6 September 2019 14:00-16:00 at the Premier Hotel, 573 Stanza Bopape Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, and will be featured as part of the week on Monday. 
See more about these organisations’ work on their websites:;; or follow them on Twitter: @DpmeOfficial,@SASDGHub, @RRS_Makchs, @Dayal70; @rhona_ona; @Laurenz_ml; @willemfourie 
Blog: Virtual evidence weeks & collaborations: EIDM in the 4IR?
Organisation/s: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) - India 
Details: In this blog post, Beryl Leach – the Director and Head of Policy and Advocacy at 3ie – entertains the question of evidence-informed decision-making in the fourth industrial revolution. She encourages the reader to imagine a future where collaborations within the evidence ecosystem are limitless, because they happen virtually. But what about face-to-face contact? 
See more about 3ie’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @3ieNews; @beryl_leach 
Conversation starter: An intro to the brand new SA GRADE Network 
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa; the Centre for Evidence-based Health Care (CEBHC) 
Details: In 2000, an informal collaboration of people with an interest in addressing the shortcomings of grading systems in health began developing a common, sensible, and transparent approach to dealing with the quality and certainty of evidence and recommendations in healthcare. This year, the South African Network was launched: during this Conversation Starter, you are encouraged to reach out to the coordinators of this group.  
See more about Cochrane SA and CEBHC’s work on their websites: and or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica; @Tamarakredo 
Blog: Evidence translation to decrypt a wicked problem
Organisation/s: Effective Basic Services (eBASE) - Cameroon 
Details: In this blog post, Okwen Patrick Mbah, Emmanuel Kamga, Mirabel Nain Yuh, Rigobert Pambe, Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh, Loveline Lum Niba of eBASE reflect on their innovative Evidence Tori Dey evidence translation approach. Evidence Tori Dey draws on the best available evidence and specifically aims to reach as wide an audience as possible by drawing on the art of African storytelling. 
See more about eBASE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ebase_africa, @okwen, @kemma2000, @rigobertpambe, @Euphras01426918, @NibaLum 
Webinar: Webinars on evidence synthesis: your toolkit to start your first review 
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa 
Details:  These webinars shared by Cochrane South Africa will assist anyone wanting to get going on producing their first systematic review with topics that deal with the steps of doing a systematic review. 
See more about Cochrane South Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica
Video: Profiles in Evidence
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa
Details: Charles Shey Wiysonge, Cochrane South Africa
See more about Cochrane South Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica
Video: Profiles in Evidence
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa
Details: Jimmy Volmink, Stellenbosch University, Founding Director Cochrane South Africa
See more about Cochrane South Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica



Blog: summary of day 1 and what to look out for
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network secretariat, South Africa 
Details: Precious Motha, Charity Chisoro, and Natalie Tannous of the Africa Centre for Evidence – the secretariat to the Africa Evidence Network – capture some highlights from the preceding day of Africa Evidence Week, and flag what’s coming up in the day ahead for participants. 
See more about ACE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ACE_UJ;@nataliejhbsa; @charitychisoro 
Video: Emerging EIDM leader: why I fell in love with EIDM
Organisation/s: Tunisian Evaluation Network
Details: Ms. Sana Ben Salem in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network secretariat on why she fell in love with evidence-informed decision-making.
See more about Tunisian Evaluation Network’s work on their website: or follow Sana on Twitter: @sana_bensalem
Conversation starter: Guideline Toolkit: resource for developing clinical practice guidelines.
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa – South Africa 
Details: Log onto this website ( and create an account to get access to comprehensive and free resources – whatever your level – for developing clinical practice guidelines. These guidelines have been developed by the South African Guidelines Excellence project, a flagship project between Cochrane South Africa, South African Medical Research Council, the Centre for Evidenced-based Health Care (CEBHC) at Stellenbosch University and International Centre for Allied Health Evidence (iCAHE) at the University of South Australia. Participate in this Conversation Starter, submitted by Cochrane South Africa. 
See more about Cochrane SA and CEBHC’s work on their websites: and or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica
Blog: Speaking with Charles Shey Wiysonge, Director of Cochrane SA  
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa – South Africa
Details: Enjoy this interview with Charles Shey Wiysonge, the director of Cochrane South Africa, where he shares the start of his journey with the evidence synthesis giant on a paper with Jimmy Volmink, the then-director of Cochrane SA. He also gives some advice for others in the Cochrane community on how to get involved with World Health Organisation work.
See more about Cochrane South Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica
Blog: Rapid Evidence Synthesis in Zimbabwe
Organisation/s: Zimbabwe Evidence-Informed Policy Network (ZiepNET) - Zimbabwe
Details: Ronald Munatsi of ZeipNET shares reflections from his interview with Mr. Banda, the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) Director of Policy Planning. The interview was focussed on the ministry’s experience with rapid evidence synthesis; that is, the Ministry is aiming to “institutionalize a rapid evidence synthesis platform...under the ‘Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Systems Decision Making’ project supported by the World Health Organisation Alliance for Health Policy & Systems Research”. This blog makes for great reading if you’re interested in doing something similar in your context. 
See more about ZeipNET work on their website: or follow Ronald on Twitter: @ronald_263 
In-country event: Launch of research agenda and service charter of the Inter-Departmental Research & Information Group
Organisation/s: PACKS Africa and the Inter-Departmental Research and Information Group (IDRIG) of the Parliament of Ghana 
Details: There will be an opening ceremony on high-level sensitization meeting in Ghana with parliamentary leadership followed by the launch of IDRIG’s research agenda and service charter.
See more about PACKS Africa work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @PACKS_Africa; @K_Atengble 
In-country event: Stakeholder forum: evidence-use in sanitation  
Organisation/s: PACKS Africa and the Inter-Departmental Research and Information Group (IDRIG) of the Parliament of Ghana 
Details: PACKS Africa in collaboration with IDRIG will host a stakeholder forum on evidence use in the sanitation sector of Accra. 
See more about PACKS Africa work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @PACKS_Africa; @K_Atengble 
Blog: Research into use in east and southern Africa
Organisation/s: Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity (SHARE) - Malawi, Tanzania
Details: This blog post by SHARE’s Emily Balls explores their experiences of using outcome mapping to plan, monitor, and evaluate research uptake within their projects. This is a useful blog to engage with if you’re interested in reaching policy-makers and practitioners with your research.
See more about SHARE’s work on their websites: or follow them on Twitter: @SHAREresearch 
In-country event: Success stories: two years after VakaYiko in Ghana  
Organisation/s: PACKS Africa 
Details: Presentations from beneficiaries after two years of training on evidence-informed policy-making in Ghana.
See more about PACKS Africa work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @PACKS_Africa; @K_Atengble 
In-country event: African Evidence Network Awareness  
Organisation/s: Botswana Open University
Details: The purpose of the seminar is to share the evolution and work of African Evidence Network to the Botswana University Community. The programme will consist of face-to-face presentations and discussions, and will happen on 10 September from 12:00-14:00 GMT at the Botswana Open University Training Room in Gaborone, Botswana. To attend, RSVP by 9 September to Dr Godson Gatsha on +26772163697 or email
See more about Botswana Open University’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @BotswanaOpenUni ; @GodsonGatsha 
Webinar: How to read & understand GRADE findings in SRs
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa
Details: Watch the Cochrane SA webinar, presented by Tamara Kredo, on 10 September. If you are interested please RSVP to
See more about Cochrane South Africa’s work on their website: follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica
Blog: Advancing evidence-use in policy and practice in Benin
Organisation/s: Actions pour l’Environnement et let Developpement Durable (ACED); Evidence-Policy-Action Network 
Details: In this blog post, Frejus Thoto, Donald Houessou and Rodrigue Gbedomon of ACED share more information about the launch of the Evidence-Policy-Action Network and its upcoming forum from 17-18 October 2019 in Benin. Through the EPA Network, ACED is dedicated to continuing its “multi-stakeholder consultations to identify and prioritize actions that can build the culture of evidence-use among policy-makers and practitioners” in Benin. 
See more about ACED and EPA Network’s work on their website: and or follow them on Twitter: @acedbenin; @EPAntw
Video: Profiles in Evidence  
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa
Details: Tamara Kredo, Cochrane South Africa
See more about Cochrane SA’s work on their website: follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica



Blog: summary of day 2 and what to look out for
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network secretariat – South Africa
Details: Precious Motha, Charity Chisoro, and Natalie Tannous of the Africa Centre for Evidence – the secretariat to the Africa Evidence Network – capture some highlights from the preceding day of Africa Evidence Week, and flag what’s coming up in the day ahead for participants. 
See more about ACE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ACE_UJ;@nataliejhbsa; @charitychisoro 
Video: Emerging EIDM leader: why I fell in love with EIDM
Details: Ms Diana Warira in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why she fell in love with evidence.
Follow Diana on Twitter: @deewarira
Conversation starter: Mapping the Africa EIDM landscape
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network secretariat, South Africa
Details: This Conversation Starter features the evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps developed by successful bursary applicants from Evidence 2016 and Evidence 2018. These maps lay out the landscape of African EIDM in different ways: some are sectoral focused while others map out their country’s EIDM landscapes. 
See more about Africa Centre for Evidence’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ACE_UJ
Conversation starter: Moving maternal, newborn and child evidence into policy in West Africa
Organisation/s: West African Health Organisation – Burkina Faso 
Details: The theme for this Twitter Conversation is ‘What Works for evidence use?’, where participants -@OoasWaho, @johnson_ermel , @sokolo12, @kofibusia11, @issiakasombie, @Ms_Haesha, @siahtweets, @igboamerican and @blueafricmedia – will discuss ‘use of evidence in moving maternal, new-born and child evidence into policy in West Africa’, where WAHO will share their experiences. Follow the hashtag #WAHOtalkspolicy
See more about WAHO’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @OoasWaho; @johnson_ermel 
Blog: Experiences of promoting EIDM and practice in the ECOWAS region
Organisation/s: West African Health Organisation – Burkina Faso 
Details: Dr. Ermel Johnson and Professor Issiaka Sombié of the West African Health Organisation share their experience of in promoting the use of evidence in decision-making and practice in the Economic Community of West African States in this blog post. The authors share some highlights from their work, including “the establishment of a framework for dialogue between health decision-makers and researchers in three countries (Senegal, Nigeria and Burkina Faso). This blog appears in English and French. 
See more about WAHO’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @OoasWaho; @johnson_ermel 
In-country event: Programmes to enhance production and utilisation of data in policy, including other types of evidence
Organisation/s: PACKS Africa and the Inter-Departmental Research and Information Group (IDRIG) of the Parliament of Ghana 
Details: Presentations by NDPC and/or GSS on programmes to enhance production and utilisation of data in policy (expand to include other types of evidence)
See more about PACKS Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @PACKS_Africa; @K_Atengble 
In-country event: Evidence-use, media and CSOs
Organisation/s: PACKS Africa
Details: Panel discussion among media organisations and CSOs on the use of evidence (discussions should include aggregating citizen evidence)
See more about PACKS Africa work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @PACKS_Africa; @K_Atengble 
Blog: Benin case study: engaging policy-makers in evidence-use
Organisation/s: Actions pour l’Environnement et let Developpement Durable (ACED) - Benin 
Details: In this blog post, ACED team members Rodrigue Castro Gbedomon, Frejus Thoto and Donald Houessou share some highlight findings of a project done with various partners, that aimed to “generate actionable evidence on inland fisheries in Benin”. The project was set up in the absence of reliable and recent data on inland fisheries in Benin.  Over 1000 fisher-people were interviewed to gather socio-economic data, as well as “extensive aquatic ecological research on water quality, species composition and catch”. If you are interested in EIDM for the environmental sector, this blog post is of interest. 
See more about ACED’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @acedbeni 
In-country event: Proceedings of the regional conference of food safety education
Organisation/s: Cameroon Toilet Organisation (CAMTO)
Details: CAMTO is launching of the proceeding of the regional conference of food safety education. This is to provide a feedback to participants and restitution to stakeholders who did not have the opportunity to attend the conference. The event is happening on 11 September at the Kumba City Council Hall in Cameroon at 13:00 (Cameroon time). To attend, RSVP to Dr Mbonteh Jacob Nzang on or Mary Bi Suh Atanga on
See more about CAMTO work on their Facebook page: 
Blog: Conversation land reform in South Africa
Organisation/s: Africa Centre for Evidence 
Details: Team members of the evidence synthesis portfolio at the Africa Centre for Evidence reflect in this article, originally posted on The Conversation, about the role that evidence-use seems to be playing the Ramaphosa administration of South Africa. They cite examples of where evidence has been drawn on in the policy-making process. 
See more about ACE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ACE_UJ, @laurenz_ml,@ndukup1
Video: Profiles in Evidence
Organisation/s: Centre for the Development of Best Practices in Health and Cochrane Africa
Details: Pierre Ongolo-Zogo, Centre for the Development of Best Practices in Health, Yaoundé, Cameroon and Cochrane Africa. 
See more about Development of Best Practices in Health ‘s and Cochrane Africa’s work on their website: and or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica
Video: Checking in with the AEN co-ordinator: how is the Week going?
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network (AEN)
Details: The Africa evidence Network (AEN) coordinator, Precious Motha, shares some of the highlights about how the Africa Evidence Week is going.
See more about Africa Evidence Network’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @Africa_evidence 



Blog: summary of day 3 and what to look out for
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network secretariat 
Details: Precious Motha, Charity Chisoro, and Natalie Tannous of the Africa Centre for Evidence – the secretariat to the Africa Evidence Network – capture some highlights from the preceding day of Africa Evidence Week, and flag what’s coming up in the day ahead for participants.
See more about ACE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ACE_UJ;@nataliejhbsa; @charitychisoro 
Video: Emerging EIDM leader: why I fell in love with EIDM
Organisation/s: eBASE Africa
Details: Ms Ndi Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why she fell in love with evidence.
See more about eBASE Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ebase_africa; @Euphras01426918
Blog: Healthcare evidence brokering for Agenda 2063
Organisation/s: Cameroon Consumer Service Organisation (CamCoSO); Research Organisation for Health Education and Rehabilitation-Cameroon (ROHER-CAM) 
Details: In this blog post, Ndi Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh (CamCoSO) and Ngeh Etienne (ROHER-CAM) share their organisations’ evidence brokering strategy of “using biomedical students and early career clinicians to significantly increase Patient Public Involvement (PPI) in research, minimize research waste, and create a sustainable evidence culture in clinical practice in the near future”. The authors share the details of their strategy – could this approach work in other countries?
See more about CamCoSo’s and ROHER-CAM's work on Twitter: @Euphras01426918; @NgehEtienne; @dcgevala 
In-country event: Improving mental health of children exposed to traumatic experiences in conflict zones
Organisation/s: Initiative for Social and Economic Development (ISED)
Details: ISED aims to equip children and young people of school going age in conflict zones of the North west region of Cameroon with evidence based behavioral therapies to overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, bitterness and hate. This event is happening on 12 September from 09:00-12:00 at the District Health Centre hall, Bambui in Bamenda, Cameroon. 
See more about ISED’S work, follow them on Twitter: @Euphras01426918; @DoreenadM; @LouiseAmungwa 
Blog: Bringing the sunshine into our homes!
Organisation/s: Effective Basic Services (eBASE Africa) - Cameroon
Details: Okwen Mbah, Olivette Chia, and Emmanuel Kamga of eBASE Africa share a blog post in which they describe how their organisation was able to provide 40 households with cook stoves and solar lamps for cooking, reading and phone charging in the Mbororo community in Ndzah in the north West Region of Cameroon. The blog post also features quotes from community members on their experiences of this project. 
See more about eBASE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ebase_africa; @okwen; @chia_oliv; @kemma2000 
In-country event: Training workshop on navigating and evaluating quality evidence
Organisation/s: Packs Africa and Inter Departmental Research and Information Group of the Parliament of Ghana
Details: This is a closed training workshop.
See more about PACKS Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @PACKS_Africa; @K_Atengble 
Blog: Experiences of decision making for the SDGs
Organisation/s: Effective Basic Services Africa (eBASE Africa) - Cameroon
Details:  In this blog post, Okwen Patrick Mbah, Emmanuel Kamga, Mirabel Nain Yuh, Rigobert Pambe, Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh, Loveline Lum Niba of eBASE unpack the use of DataMaps as a tool to integrate evidence into decision-making. These maps combine the best available scientific evidence systematically searched for with qualitative data from community workers. 
See more about eBASE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ebase_africa; @okwen; @kemma2000; @rigobertpambe; @Euphras01426918; @NibaLum 
Conversation starter: BCURE Africa: showcasing EIDM capacity-building
Organisation/s: Africa Centre for Evidence, ZeipNET, AFIDEP, African Cabinet Network, PACKS Africa – multiple countries
Details: The UK Department for International Development programme of work called Building Capacity to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) funded multiple African organisations. This Conversation Starter aims to share the content developed by these funded organisations and centres on a conversation of #BCUREAFrica
See more about these involved organisations on Twitter or via their websites: @Afidep, @ACE_UJ, @PACKS_Africa,,
Video: History of the AEN
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network (AEN)
Details: The history of the Africa Evidence Network is highlighted in the video.
See more about Africa Evidence Network’s work on their website: follow them on Twitter: @Africa_evidence  

In-country event: PERLSS contribution to EIDM in Africa
Organisation/s: Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE); Partners for Evidence-driven Rapid Learning in Social Systems (PERLSS)
Details: The Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE) and the Partners for Evidence-driven Rapid Learning in Social Systems (PERLSS) network would like to invite you to a public seminar on: PERLSS contribution to evidence-informed policy-making in Africa. This event is happening from 14:00-16:00 at the School of Hospitality and Tourism, APB Campus, University of Johannesburg in Johannesburg, South Africa. If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP to Nkululeko Tshabalala at by 11 September.
See more about ACE's and PERLSS's work on their website: and  or follow them on Twitter: @McMasterForum ;@ACE_UJ

Livestreamed event: EIDM in Nigeria and Burkina Faso
Organisation/s: Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE); Partners for Evidence-driven Rapid Learning in Social Systems (PERLSS)
Details: The Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE) and the Partners for Evidence-driven Rapid Learning in Social Systems (PERLSS) network would like to invite you to a public seminar on: PERLSS contribution to evidence-informed policy-making in Africa. This event is happening from 14:00-16:00 at the School of Hospitality and Tourism, APB Campus, University of Johannesburg in Johannesburg, South Africa.
See more about ACE's and PERLSS's work on their website: and  or follow them on Twitter: @McMasterForum ;@ACE_UJ
Webinar: Production et utilisation des evidences dans la conception et la gestion des politiques publiques en Afrique de l’ouest  
Organisation/s: West Africa Capacity-building and Impact Evaluation (WACIE)
Details: As part of the 2019 Africa Evidence Week, 3ie is organising through the West Africa Capacity-building and Impact Evaluation program a webinar on Thursday 12 September 2019 from 13:00 to 14:30 GMT. The focus will be on the production and use of evidence in public policy design and management in West Africa (WACIE). This webinar will be in French. Les intervenants discuteront leur point de vue sur la production de données probantes dans la région, en quoi cela a-t-elle une incidence sur les politiques et comment est-ce que ces données probantes sont prises en compte par les politiques et autres acteurs du développement.  Ils partageront leurs expériences pratiques en matière de production et d'utilisation de données probantes dans l’élaboration et la gestion des politiques publiques dans l’espace de l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine en général, et au Bénin en particulier. Ils vont par ailleurs évoquer la manière dont le programme WACIE contribue à aider les gouvernements à améliorer la qualité de la production et l'utilisation des données probantes, ainsi que ce qui peut être amélioré à ces propos. Toute personne intéressée par les questions d’évidence et de politique est la bienvenue. Click here to register.
See more about West Africa Capacity-building and Impact Evaluation’s work on their website: 
Conversation starter: Cochrane SA conversation on #CochraneNutrition
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa – South Africa 
Details: Cochrane South Africa is sharing their work on nutrition in this Twitter conversation. To get access to resources, newsletters, and other content on nutrition from Cochrane Nutrition, follow the hashtag #CochraneNutritionAfricanEIDM. 
See more about Cochrane Nutrition’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @cochranenutri
Video: Profiles in Evidence  
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa and Cochrane Nutrition
Details: Solange Durão, Cochrane South Africa and Cochrane Nutrition
See more about Cochrane South Africa’s and Cochrane Nutrition’s work on their website: or or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica



In-country event: The role of EIDM in Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals
Organisation/s: Tanzania Enlightenment Development Innovations (TEDI)
Details: TEDI aims to discuss and understand the role of evidence-informed decision-making in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Their panel discussion will explore this theme in relation to SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth) and SDG 4 (Quality Education). This event will feature discussions between audience members and panel members who are expected to be academics, development practitioners, and others from educational institutions and non-governmental organisations working in development. The event starts at 06:00-13:00 GMT and is happening at Mzumbe University in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Click here to RSVP. 
See more about TEDI’s work on their Facebook page: or follow them on Twitter: @glorieAndy
In-country event: Gauteng Environment Research Symposium
Organisation/s: Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD); Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE); Process, Energy & Environmental Technology Station (PEETS); the Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO); Water Research Commission (WRC); and the University of South Africa (UNISA).
Details: The theme of the first Gauteng Environmental Research Symposium is: “Contribution to the understanding and needs in the environmental sector to facilitate research initiatives that address emerging and pressing environmental concerns”. The event is happening from 08:30 South African time in Johannesburg (venue to be confirmed). To attend, RSVP to Ms. Neggie Bakwunye on (011) 240 3409 or or Mr. Dakalo Phaswa on (011) 240 3400 or
See more about GDARD’S work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @OfficialGDARD 
Blog: summary of day 4 and what to look out for
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network secretariat 
Details: Precious Motha, Charity Chisoro, and Natalie Tannous of the Africa Centre for Evidence – the secretariat to the Africa Evidence Network – capture some highlights from the preceding day of Africa Evidence Week, and flag what’s coming up in the day ahead for participants. 
See more about ACE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ACE_UJ;@nataliejhbsa; @charitychisoro 
Video: Emerging EIDM leader: why I fell in love with EIDM
Organisation/s: Department of Water and Sanitation, Directorate: Policy
Details: Mr. Luvuyo Zigana in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why he fell in love with evidence.
See more about Department of Water and Sanitation, Directorate: Policy’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @DWS_RSA;@Luvuyo07
In-country event: Working session with early career clinicians and biomedical students
Organisation/s: Cameroon Consumer Service Organisation (CamCoso)
Details: CamCoso aims to promote a sustainable evidence-based health care culture amongst clinicians in Cameroon. This event with early career clinicians and biomedical students is happening from 10:00 Cameroon time at the Bamenda Regional Hospital in Mankon in Bamenda, Cameroon. 
See more about CamCoso’s follow them on Twitter: @realcamcoso; @Euphras01426918 
Video: Profiles in Evidence
Organisation/s: Cochrane South Africa
Details: Taryn Young, Centre for Evidence Based Health Care
See more about Cochrane South Africa’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @SACochrane; @cebhc; @CochraneAfrica;@TarynYoung3
Livestreamed event: Climate change session  
Organisation/s: Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD)
Details: GDARD will livestream their event on climate change focusing on how the youth can be a solution. This event will be facilitated by Professor Godwell Nhamo Chief Researcher and Chair for the Exxaro Chair in Business and Climate Change at the University of South Africa (Unisa) and presenters are Ms Mikateko Sithole, Deputy Director for Climate Change Adaption at the Department of Environment Affairs in South Africa and Dr Caradee Wright, a Specialist Scientist at the South African Medical Research Council leading the Climate and Health Research Programme.
See more about GDARD’S work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @OfficialGDARD; @environmentza; @caradeeyael
Blog: The right thing to do with pre-service teachers in Cameroon
Organisation/s: (personal capacity) Anang Foncha - Cameroon 
Details: In this blog post, Anang Foncha questions the constant learning and adjusting that educators do when teaching students, and wonders "as a policy maker in the field of pedagogy...whether or not existing policies as well as practices are guided by the use of research and evidence”. Explore her ideas in this blog post. 
See more about Anang Foncha’s work on Twitter: @AnangFoncha 
Webinar: Evidence, policy needs and political realities - Learning from experiences in Africa
Organisation/s: CLEAR-AA
Details: This session draws on research carried out for the book, provisionally titled: Evidence Based Policy Making in Africa: Planning and Implementation. The book is part of a research project being carried out by CLEAR AA with the support of the Hewlett Foundation.
Link to the webinar:
See more about CLEAR-AA's work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @CLEARAA1;@iangoldmansa
Conversation starter: The need for collaboration in the evidence ecosystem
Organisation/s: The Community Based Health Insurance Organisation
Details: Akaninyene Obot from the Community Based Health Insurance Organisation will host a Twitter conversation discussing why it is necessary for players within the evidence ecosystem to collaborate. Join the conversation by following the hashtag #EIDMcollaboration. 
Follow Akaninyene on Twitter: @uteeakan 
Video: Siziwe Ngcwabe: What a celebration - what's next?
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network (AEN)
Details: The Africa Evidence Network manager, Siziwe Ngcwabe gives some closing remarks on the Africa Evidence Week
See more about Africa Evidence Network’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @Africa_evidence 
Blog: AEN secretariat: summary blog of AfEW highlights
Organisation/s: Africa Evidence Network secretariat – South Africa
Details: Precious Motha, Charity Chisoro, and Natalie Tannous of the Africa Centre for Evidence – the secretariat to the Africa Evidence Network – share some of the highlights from the inaugural Africa Evidence Week. 
See more about ACE’s work on their website: or follow them on Twitter: @ACE_UJ;@nataliejhbsa; @charitychisoro 

Event Content

Below is all the content from the Learning Space that have the same tags as this event.

africa evidence week
Highlights from Africa Evidence Week: Day 5
2024-08-23 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Highlights from Africa Evidence Week: Day 5
  On this last day of Africa Evidence Week 2024, I reflect on the event and the twelve-year celebration of the Africa Evidence Network (AEN). This year’s objective was to showcase and pr...
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Highlights from Africa Evidence Week: Day 4
2024-08-22 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Highlights from Africa Evidence Week: Day 4
  We hope that you are enjoying Africa Evidence Week 2024 as much as we are! Day four of the 2024 Africa Evidence Week was filled with lots of excitement, imparting of knowledge, and learning....
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Highlights from Africa Evidence Week: Day 3
2024-08-21 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Highlights from Africa Evidence Week: Day 3
  Wow, Day 3 has come and gone; how time flies when we are having great conversations and meaningful connections! Just in the past three days, we shared fourteen blog posts, sixteen video...
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Communities of practice as a tool to enhance evidence capacities and collaboration in Africa
2024-08-19 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Communities of practice as a tool to enhance evidence capacities and collaboration in Africa
  The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) established communities of practice (CoPs) to advance its work in 2023. We aim to develop several CoPs that can serve as tools to enhance evidence capa...
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Harnessing Evaluation Evidence for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM): Lessons from CLEAR-AA Experience on resilience building interventions
2024-08-19 advocates africa evidence week informs learns news
Harnessing Evaluation Evidence for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM): Lessons from CLEAR-AA Experience on resilience building interventions
  In the face of persistent hunger and vulnerability in Southern Africa, where economic growth has yet to alleviate deep-seated inequalities, the challenge of building resilience is both urgen...
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From Environmental Health to Evidence-Based Policy: My Journey in Research and Development
2024-08-16 advocates afew2024 africa evidence week blog informs learns news
From Environmental Health to Evidence-Based Policy: My Journey in Research and Development
  Elise Hirwa Musabimana is a runner-up of the Africa Evidence Leadership Award 2024 in the Emerging Leader Under 35 category offered by the Africa Evidence Network. W...
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Promoting data and evidence use practice in local government: what we are learning from the E4D project in Ghana
2024-08-16 advocates afew2024 africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Promoting data and evidence use practice in local government: what we are learning from the E4D project in Ghana
  Mohammed S. Awal is a runner-up of the Africa Evidence Leadership Award 2024 in the Evidence Producer category offered by the Africa Evidence Network. We asked ...
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Building a Brighter Future Through Evidence: eBASE Africa's Work in Cameroon
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Building a Brighter Future Through Evidence: eBASE Africa's Work in Cameroon
  Cameroon, like many African nations, faces complex social challenges that require innovative solutions. Policymakers need access to reliable data and effective tools to navigate these issues...
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Building small grants programs connected to policies and the needs of practitioners: the experience of the African Center for Equitable Development
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Building small grants programs connected to policies and the needs of practitioners: the experience of the African Center for Equitable Development
  The African Center for Equity Development (ACED) launched the Programme de Petites Subventions de Recherche (PPSR), a pivotal initiative aimed at addressing food security and nutrition (FSN)...
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Capacity Development Program on Integrating Gender and Youth Data in Food Security and Nutrition Interventions in Africa: Use of EIDM approach
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Capacity Development Program on Integrating Gender and Youth Data in Food Security and Nutrition Interventions in Africa: Use of EIDM approach
  Women and youth: essential pillars of African food systems In Africa, women and youth are essential players in Food Security and Nutrition (FSN), contributing to the availability, acces...
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Going Far Together: 4 Highlights about The Africa LEEPS Partnership
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Going Far Together: 4 Highlights about The Africa LEEPS Partnership
Photo: Africa LEEPS partner organizations mapping out a vision for partnership at a launch workshop in Kigali, Rwanda, August 2023 The Africa Learning Together to Advance Evidence and Equity i...
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Les mutuelles de santé et la digitalisation des services de santé dans les pays en développement : Expérience du projet ISPV-Africa au Togo
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Les mutuelles de santé et la digitalisation des services de santé dans les pays en développement : Expérience du projet ISPV-Africa au Togo
  Universal health coverage remains a global concern, particularly in developing countries where health systems have many weaknesses. In 2023, a WHO report1 on universal health coverage indi...
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Multi-Participatory Adapted Mosaic Framework: A Methodological Approach to Listening to the Voices of Children with Disabilities in Nigeria
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Multi-Participatory Adapted Mosaic Framework: A Methodological Approach to Listening to the Voices of Children with Disabilities in Nigeria
  Globally, there has been an increasing trend in the call for incorporating children’s voices and participation in research. This trend can be attributed to the adoption of various inte...
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Mutual health insurance and the digitization of healthcare services in developing countries: Experience of the ISPV- Africa project in Togo
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Mutual health insurance and the digitization of healthcare services in developing countries: Experience of the ISPV- Africa project in Togo
  Universal health coverage remains a global concern, particularly in developing countries where health systems have many weaknesses. In 2023, a WHO report 1on universal health coverage indi...
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Prioritising early learning research in sub-Saharan Africa for equitable learning outcomes
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Prioritising early learning research in sub-Saharan Africa for equitable learning outcomes
  The African Education Research Database (AERD) has been updated with the latest 1,403 publications published between 2021 and 2022. This is as part of the commitment of the Research for Equi...
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Strategising for Success: Mental Health in African Education Systems
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
Strategising for Success: Mental Health in African Education Systems
  The World Health Organization projects that “the prevalence of mental health disorders in so-called sub-Saharan African countries is likely to increase by “130% due to epidemiolo...
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The EPA Center of Excellence: A Catalytic and Innovative Intervention for Evidence-Informed Policymaking (EIP) in Francophone Africa
2024-08-14 advocates africa evidence week blog informs learns news
The EPA Center of Excellence: A Catalytic and Innovative Intervention for Evidence-Informed Policymaking (EIP) in Francophone Africa
  EIP need more and more attention for achieving Sustainable development Africa stands at a decisive crossroads, facing complex and multidimensional challenges that demand informed solutio...
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AEN September 2019 newsletter
2019-09-20 advocates africa evidence week informs newsletter
AEN September 2019 newsletter
We are excited to share the first special edition of the Africa Evidence Network newsletter which features all the excitement from Africa Evidence Week. The Week was a virtual event driven by African ...
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Africa Evidence Week: What a celebration - what's next?
2019-09-13 africa evidence week
Africa Evidence Week: What a celebration - what's next?
The Africa Evidence Network manager, Siziwe Ngcwabe gives some closing remarks on the Africa Evidence Week.
Emerging EIDM leader_Luvuyo Zigana: why I fell in love with EIDM
2019-09-13 africa evidence week
Emerging EIDM leader_Luvuyo Zigana: why I fell in love with EIDM
Mr Luvuyo Zigana in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why he fell in love with evidence.
EBMAfricaNet: An innovative approach of translating and implementing evidence using freely available evidence from existing evidence networks
2019-09-13 africa evidence week blog cameroon evidence-informed decision-making informs learns
EBMAfricaNet: An innovative approach of translating and implementing evidence using freely available evidence from existing evidence networks
In June 2018 at the JBI collaboration colloquium in Antwerp, eBASE Africa initiated a bold concept of evidence implementation with iScientia Belgium to increase the use of existing guidelines through ...
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Highlights from Africa Evidence Week
2019-09-13 africa evidence week informs news
Highlights from Africa Evidence Week
My colleagues and I on the secretariat of the AEN are overwhelmed by the festivities from all across Africa during Africa Evidence Week. We are proud of (but not surprised by!) the wealth of evidence-...
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Strengthening the Use of Research in Environmental Policy Processes in South Africa
2019-09-13 africa evidence week blog environment informs learns south africa
Strengthening the Use of Research in Environmental Policy Processes in South Africa
As part of celebrating the amazing work being done on evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) across our continent during #AfricaEvidenceWeek, as the South African centre of the Collaboration of Envi...
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Supporting Research Evidence to Inform Policy Implementation in Education; the Right Thing to do With Pre-Service Teachers in HTTC Bambili-Cameroon
2019-09-13 africa evidence week blog cameroon education informs learns
Supporting Research Evidence to Inform Policy Implementation in Education; the Right Thing to do With Pre-Service Teachers in HTTC Bambili-Cameroon
The Higher Teachers’ Training College (HTTC) Bambili is one of Cameroon’s standard institutions for higher learning, created mainly to train teachers teaching secondary and ...
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What happened on day 4 of Africa Evidence Week?
2019-09-13 africa evidence week informs news
What happened on day 4 of Africa Evidence Week?
Africa Evidence Week is exceeding all of our expectations, and this is because of the incredible participation by organisations from across Africa and the globe celebrating Africa's EIDM. On day 4...
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Why should we bother getting research evidence to people who cannot read or write?
2019-09-13 africa evidence week blog cameroon evidence-informed decision-making informs learns
Why should we bother getting research evidence to people who cannot read or write?
Data from Cameroon suggests that literacy rates for populations above 15 years of age is about 71%, with marked disparity for females at 61%. Rates for indigenous populations, rural populations, or po...
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Emerging EIDM leader_Ndi Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh: why I fell in love with EIDM
2019-09-12 africa evidence week
Emerging EIDM leader_Ndi Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh: why I fell in love with EIDM
Ms Ndi Euphrasia Ebai-Atuh in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why she fell in love with evidence.
DataMaps, Evidence, and Decision Making for Sustainable Development Goals: Experiences from Basic Services in Cameroon
2019-09-12 africa evidence week blog cameroon evidence-informed decision-making informs learns
DataMaps, Evidence, and Decision Making for Sustainable Development Goals: Experiences from Basic Services in Cameroon
When the Europeans arrived Cameroon in the 17th Century, they were surprised to meet a king in the Bamoum Kingdom North of the Rio dos Cameroes with a map, statistics, and wri...
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Healthcare evidence brokering for Agenda 2063: the role of early career clinicians and biomedical students in patient involvement
2019-09-12 africa evidence week blog cameroon health informs learns
Healthcare evidence brokering for Agenda 2063: the role of early career clinicians and biomedical students in patient involvement
Optimal health is a major determinant of any sustainable development worldwide. Recognition of this factor is gradually attracting a compulsory investment to achieve Agenda 2063 aspiration of: A ...
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In Africa, we are bringing the sunshine into our homes!
2019-09-12 africa evidence week blog cameroon environment informs learns
In Africa, we are bringing the sunshine into our homes!
In Cameroon and most of Africa, food is usually prepared by women and children on a three stones fireside. They usually spend hours gathering wood and several more hours cooking food. Women and childr...
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What happened on day 3 of Africa Evidence Week?
2019-09-12 africa evidence week informs news
What happened on day 3 of Africa Evidence Week?
The third day of Africa Evidence Week has continued to be a celebration: from the @Africa_evidence account we've had 12700 impressions, 70 retweets, 84 likes, and 32 clicks per link...
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Checking in with the AEN co-ordinator: how is the Week going?
2019-09-11 africa evidence week
Checking in with the AEN co-ordinator: how is the Week going?
The Africa evidence Network (AEN) coordinator, Precious Motha, shares some of her highlights about how the Africa Evidence Week is going.
Emerging EIDM leader_Diana Warira: why I fell in love with EIDM
2019-09-11 africa evidence week
Emerging EIDM leader_Diana Warira: why I fell in love with EIDM
Ms Diana Warira in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why she fell in love with evidence.
EIDM landscape map in Africa Gender Development Evaluators Network - Janse van Rensburg 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2016 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Africa Gender Development Evaluators Network - Janse van Rensburg 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in African Capacity Building Foundation - Makawia 2016
2019-09-11 acbf africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in African Capacity Building Foundation  - Makawia  2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Cameroon - Kamga 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week cameroon evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Cameroon - Kamga 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Cameroon - Ngang 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week cameroon evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Cameroon - Ngang 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Cameroon - Pambe 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week cameroon evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Cameroon - Pambe 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Eswatini - Hlope 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week eswatini evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Eswatini - Hlope 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Hailemichael 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week ethiopia evidence 2016 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Hailemichael 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Hailemichael 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week ethiopia evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Hailemichael 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Morankar 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week ethiopia evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Morankar  2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Morankar 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week ethiopia evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Ethiopia - Morankar 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Ghana - Sampong 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making ghana landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Ghana - Sampong 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Kenya - Mutua 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making kenya landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Kenya - Mutua 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Kenya - Warira 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making kenya landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape map in Kenya - Warira 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Longwe-Ngwira 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns malawi
EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Longwe-Ngwira  2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Manyonga 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns malawi
EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Manyonga 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Mbeye 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns malawi
EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Mbeye 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Mitambo 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns malawi
EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Mitambo 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Tambala 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns malawi
EIDM landscape map in Malawi - Tambala 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Nigeria - Nnaji 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns nigeria
EIDM landscape map in Nigeria - Nnaji 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Nigeria - Oduwole 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns nigeria
EIDM landscape map in Nigeria - Oduwole 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Senegal - Seydi 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns senegal
EIDM landscape map in Senegal - Seydi 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in South Africa - Govender 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns south africa
EIDM landscape map in South Africa - Govender 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in South Africa - Okem 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns south africa
EIDM landscape map in South Africa - Okem 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in South Africa - Patterson 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns south africa
EIDM landscape map in South Africa - Patterson 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Tanzania - Kalugendo 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2016 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns tanzania
EIDM landscape map in Tanzania - Kalugendo 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Tanzania - Makawia 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns tanzania
EIDM landscape map in Tanzania - Makawia 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in the Parliament of Uganda - Emaasit 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in the Parliament of Uganda - Emaasit 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Tunisia - Cherif 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2016 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns tunisia
EIDM landscape map in Tunisia - Cherif 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Bagyendera 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Bagyendera 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Bagyendera 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Bagyendera 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Kachero 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2016 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Kachero 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Mpagi-Kaabule 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Mpagi-Kaabule  2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Nankya 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Nankya 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Obuku 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Obuku 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Obuku 2018
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns uganda
EIDM landscape map in Uganda - Obuku 2018
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Zambia - Chitanda 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2016 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns zambia
EIDM landscape map in Zambia - Chitanda 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Zimbabwe - Bhowa 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2016 evidence-informed decision-making landscape maps learns zimbabwe
EIDM landscape map in Zimbabwe - Bhowa 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Zimbabwe - Munatsi 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns zimbabwe
EIDM landscape map in Zimbabwe - Munatsi  2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape map in Zimbabwe - Ndongwe 2016
2019-09-11 africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns zimbabwe
EIDM landscape map in Zimbabwe - Ndongwe 2016
This evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscape map is part of a series of maps on the landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series currently comprises of 40 maps and is available f...
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EIDM landscape maps: Guidance on how to conduct a rapid landscape review map 2016
2019-09-11 africa africa evidence week evidence 2018 evidence-informed-decision-making landscape maps learns
EIDM landscape maps: Guidance on how to conduct a rapid landscape review map 2016
This guidance note was used as the basis for a series of maps on the evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) landscapes in different countries in Africa. The series (2016) comprises 25 maps and is a...
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Engaging policy makers in the use of evidence in agriculture: Case study in inland fishery in Benin
2019-09-11 africa evidence week benin blog environment informs learns
Engaging policy makers in the use of evidence in agriculture: Case study in inland fishery in Benin
The fishery sector and related industries in Benin provide up to 32% of the animal proteins consumed by people and generate employment for around 600 000 people,&nbs...
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Expérience de l’Organisation Ouest-Africaine de la Santé (OOAS) dans la promotion de l’utilisation des évidences dans la prise de décision et la prati
2019-09-11 africa evidence week blog french health informs learns
Expérience de l’Organisation Ouest-Africaine de la Santé (OOAS) dans la promotion de l’utilisation des évidences dans la prise de décision et la prati
L’Organisation Ouest-Africaine de la Santé (OOAS), l’institution spécialisée en santé de la Communauté Economique des Etas de l’Afrique de l’...
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Experience of the West African Health Organization (WAHO) in promoting the use of evidence in decision-making and practice in the ECOWAS region
2019-09-11 africa evidence week blog health informs learns
Experience of the West African Health Organization (WAHO) in promoting the use of evidence in decision-making and practice in the ECOWAS region
The West African Health Organization (WAHO), is the specialized health institution of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). One of its missions is to promote research to co...
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What happened on day 2 of Africa Evidence Week?
2019-09-11 africa evidence week informs news
What happened on day 2 of Africa Evidence Week?
The buzz of Africa Evidence Week has continued into day 2, with 13000 (yes - thousand) impressions, 72 retweets, 80 likes, and 34 clicks per link on day two alone. Some of the high...
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Emerging EIDM leader_Sana Ben Salem: why I fell in love with EIDM
2019-09-10 africa evidence week
Emerging EIDM leader_Sana Ben Salem: why I fell in love with EIDM
Ms Sana Ben Salem in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network secretariat on why she fell in love with evidence-informed decision-making.
Evidence-Policy-Action Network for advancing evidence use in policy and practice in Benin
2019-09-10 africa evidence week benin blog evidence-informed decision-making informs learns
Evidence-Policy-Action Network for advancing evidence use in policy and practice in Benin
In Benin, the Evidence-Policy-Action (EPA) Network is established to create a functional and multi-stakeholders’ platform between evidence generators (researchers,&...
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Interview with Zimbabwe policy-maker: rapid synthesis service
2019-09-10 africa evidence week blog health informs learns zimbabwe
Interview with Zimbabwe policy-maker: rapid synthesis service
Governments across the globe are progressively realizing the significance of research synthesis in health policy and systems decision-making processes. Research evidence is required to ...
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What happened on day 1 of Africa Evidence Week?
2019-09-10 africa evidence week informs news
What happened on day 1 of Africa Evidence Week?
The first day of Africa Evidence Week was an amazing start to the celebration of Africa's EIDM. We reached 1300 impressions, 58 retweets, 53 likes, and 30 clicks per link, just on day one! Some of...
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Africa Evidence Week: Let the celebration begin!
2019-09-09 africa evidence week
Africa Evidence Week: Let the celebration begin!
The senior manager of the AEN, Siziwe Ngcwabe, welcomes participants to the first-ever Africa Evidence Week.
Emerging EIDM leader_Jennifer Opare-Kumi: why I fell in love with EIDM
2019-09-09 africa evidence week
Emerging EIDM leader_Jennifer Opare-Kumi: why I fell in love with EIDM
Ms Jennifer Opare-Kumi in conversation with the Africa Evidence Network on why she fell in love with evidence.
Policy-makers experiences on the use of evidence in policy-making in Nigeria
2019-09-09 africa evidence week
Policy-makers experiences on the use of evidence in policy-making in Nigeria
The African Institute for Health Policy & Health Systems from Ebonyi State University in Abakaliki, Nigeria interviews Dr Ritamary Okoro, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Eb...
Community Evidence Home Schools (CEHS): A tool for achieving early years intervention benefits for children aged 3-5 years in fragile communities
2019-09-09 africa evidence week blog cameroon education informs learns
Community Evidence Home Schools (CEHS): A tool for achieving early years intervention benefits for children aged 3-5 years in fragile communities
IMAGE: Petra teaching her 3-5years children in their transformed pre-school setting (Bambili, 2019) Since 2016, civil disobedience operations, school boycotts, destruction and closure of sch...
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Evidence Hesitancy: How an innovative evidence translation approach decrypted a wicked problem
2019-09-09 africa evidence week blog cameroon evidence-informed decision-making informs learns
Evidence Hesitancy: How an innovative evidence translation approach decrypted a wicked problem
In 2016, eBASE Africa a JBI affiliated group in collaboration with CamCoSo a Cochrane affiliated consumer group in Cameroon, started work with traditional story tellers, poets...
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The #AfricaEvidenceWeek: What’s happening in Ghana?
2019-09-09 africa evidence week blog evidence-informed decision-making ghana informs learns
The #AfricaEvidenceWeek: What’s happening in Ghana?
Ghana joins other countries across the continent to showcase developments within the evidence-informed policy/decision making (EIPM/EIDM) space on the continent during th...
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New EIDM hub launched in time for Africa Evidence Week
2019-09-02 africa evidence week news
New EIDM hub launched in time for Africa Evidence Week
The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) secretariat has been working on rebuilding the AEN's website over the last five months, launching the first phase of the new evidence-informed decision-making (EI...
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Africa Evidence Week celebrates Africa’s evidence-use for decisions
2019-08-07 africa evidence week blog informs learns
Africa Evidence Week celebrates Africa’s evidence-use for decisions
Evidence weeks were conceptualised by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) to draw the focus of the global evidence-informed decision-making community to a specific issue or talkin...
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