EIDM Processes: Seeking Transformation for Improved Impacts

Webinar  2024-10-30 2:00 p.m.    2024-10-30 3:15 p.m.

EIDM Processes: Seeking Transformation for Improved Impacts


The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) is looking for ways to use innovative capacity-development strategies to advance evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) throughout the continent, and this webinar is one of many in the series. Capacity strengthening entails people, institutions, and systemic level strengthening in establishing, adapting, and maintaining sustainable EIDM capacity, as outlined in the Manifesto on Capacity Development for EIDM in Africa. To accomplish this, it is essential to develop the abilities of both individuals and groups to create or improve institutional structures, systems and procedures to achieve better outcomes. Comprehending the various processes that are involved in relation to the different actors, that is, evidence producers, intermediaries, and users that are participating in the evidence ecosystem is, therefore, critical.

A nuanced understanding of these processes can foster equity and inclusiveness in formulating interventions for capacity strengthening that target systemic transformation, establish collaborations, and produce reliable strategies for developing EIDM capacity in Africa.

Our knowledgeable panellists will discuss their views on the different EIDM processes and any required transformation for more impact.


  1. Firmaye Bogale – Ethiopian Public Health Institute; EPHI (Ethiopia)
  2. Dr Harsha Dayal – Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; DPME (South Africa)
  3. Prof Vhumani MageziACMERET Solutions (South Africa)
  4. Ronald Munatsi – Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network; ZeipNET (Zimbabwe)
  5. Dr Justina Onumah – CSIR-Science and Technology Policy Research Institute; STEPRI (Ghana)

Kirchuffs Atengble – Research team lead, PACKS Africa, Ghana

Siziwe Ngcwabe – Director and Co-chair, Africa Evidence Network, South Africa

The objectives of this session are to:

1. Streamline EIDM processes relating to evidence producers, intermediaries and users,

2. Identify ⁠potential transformations within these processes, and 

3. ⁠Connect processes to impacts.

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