Evidence 2023 online programme slot: Day 2, slot X: 11:30-14:00
The Evidence Commission report, released in January 2022, provides recommendations about ways to improve the use of research evidence, both in routine times and in future global crises (see also the executive summary). In January 2023, we released our first annual update (Update 2023), focussed on three implementation priorities:
· Formalize and strengthen domestic evidence-support systems
· Enhance and leverage the global evidence architecture
· Put evidence at the centre of everyday life
Join our call to action.
We are keen to work with any groups interested in contributing to our three implementation priorities.
· Formalize and strengthen domestic evidence-support systems → conduct or participate in a rapid evidence-support system assessment for your country and find ways to act on the lessons learned if one has already been conducted.
· Enhance and leverage the global evidence architecture → encourage funders and donors – both in your own country and those operating globally – to be part of the solution and encourage impact-oriented evidence producers – especially those producing global public goods like living evidence syntheses – to work in more coordinated ways and to build connections to domestic evidence-support networks and units.
· Put evidence at the centre of everyday life → support citizen-serving NGOs and citizen leaders to take action in your country.
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