Evidence Synthesis & Meta-Analysis in R Conference

Conférence  2021-01-21 12:00 matin    2021-01-22 12:00 matin

We invite you to join us for the Evidence Synthesis Hackathon’s online Evidence Synthesis & Meta-Analysis in R Conference (#ESMARConf), to be held on January 21st and 22nd 2021. ESMARConf includes an exciting programme of talks, workshops, and interactive sessions that address the following:

  • Presentations of packages designed to assist reviewers across evidence synthesis stages, from planning to communication
  • Demonstrations integrating evidence synthesis packages into an interoperable pipeline in R
  • Novel applications of R packages in an evidence synthesis context
  • Automating evidence synthesis in R
  • Assisting novices to R in performing evidence syntheses with the aid of graphical user interfaces


We encourage you to register to participate in the conference if you are interested in the following: Development of R packages focused on some aspect of evidence synthesis (including systematic review, evidence maps, scoping reviews, rapid reviews) or meta-analysis (including quantitative synthesis methods like meta-regression, network meta-analysis, etc.); Combinations of multiple different packages in R designed for evidence synthesis or meta-analysis in a novel way; or Uses of R packages developed for other purposes (e.g. bibliometrix) in an evidence synthesis or meta-analysis. You can register by following this link: https://forms.gle/LNWrPND8zwcBv1pQ8.

Further information

You may read the Evidence Synthesis Hackathon’s Data and Privacy Policy relating to any information you may submit to us here. The Evidence Synthesis Hackathon’s Diversity and Equity Policy is available here.