PEERSS webinar: Rapid response evidence during a pandemic: achievements, challenges, and disappointments

Séminaire en ligne  2021-06-17 2:00 après-midi    2021-06-17 3:15 après-midi

PEERSS webinar: Rapid response evidence during a pandemic: achievements, challenges, and disappointments

Join us on June 17 for an engaging discussion about the Partnership for Evidence and Equity in Rapid and Responsive Services (PEERSS).

PEERSS partners will describe how they have adapted evidence tools and approaches in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and
reflect on new ideas and approaches that can be carried forward to continue strengthening the demand for and use of evidence in
policy and practice decisions. Panelists will also discuss how the partnership as a learning and collaborative network is helping to advance progress in evidence use. Launched in 2018, the overall aim of the Partnership for Evidence and Equity in Rapid and Responsive Social Systems is to strengthen the use of appropriate mechanisms and build conducive environments for advancing evidence-informed policymaking in the social systems, with a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. PEERSS is jointly funded by the International Development and Research Center (IDRC) and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. 

Webinar registration link:




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