The Innovation Bridge (IB) Technology Matchmaking Event and the Science Forum South Africa 2019

Conférence  2019-12-04 7:00 matin    2019-12-06 2:30 après-midi

The Innovation Bridge (IB) Technology Matchmaking Event and the Science Forum South Africa 2019

The Innovation Bridge (IB) Technology Matchmaking and Showcasing Event and Science Forum South Africa (SFSA), previously separate events, have joined forces to serve the South African innovation ecosystem. For the first time ever the IB and the SFSA will take place at the same time and at the same venue. The 2019 joint event under the theme: Igniting Conversations About Science For Innovation With Impact, will take place at the CSIR International Convention Centre from the 4th to 6th December 2019. Both events are initiatives of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI).

Overview: The IB Technology Matchmaking and Showcasing Event

The IB Technology Matching and Showcasing Event is aimed at encouraging and accelerating the utilisation and commercialisation of existing and new knowledge and technologies that have been developed by publicly funded South African research and technology development institutions.

This focus on publicly funded research and technology differentiates the IB from other innovation and technology conferences and exhibitions.

The event provides an opportunity for national and international technology-based companies, entrepreneurs, research institutes, financiers, and public and private sector representatives to scout for new technology solutions, new collaborative partnerships and new investment opportunities.

Overview: Science Forum South Africa Event

The SFSA provides Africa with an "open science" event, similar to forums convened with great success elsewhere in the world.  The forum provides for all interested parties to ignite conversations about science, which has been held over 4 successful events to date with over 3000 delegates attending each year. The key objectives of the 5th SFSA are to create a platform for a vibrant debate on the role of science, technology and innovation in society; to promote international science, technology and innovation partnerships; and to create a network platform for key science, technology and innovation actors, including senior government leaders, academics, scientists, industry, civil society, and students.


CSIR Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa


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