Africa Evidence Week 2021 event: Strengthening and promoting education data systems and utilization in Africa: lessons from the Data Must Speak global initiative

Séminaire en ligne  2021-09-15 2:00 après-midi    2021-09-15 3:30 après-midi

Africa Evidence Week 2021 event: Strengthening and promoting education data systems and utilization in Africa: lessons from the Data Must Speak global initiative


*All times listed here are in GMT

With reliable data, policymakers, school managers, teachers, and communities can identify problems, pose solutions, and direct resources where they are most needed. As part of the Africa Evidence Week 2021, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is organizing a live webinar to share and discuss how UNICEF’s implementation of the Data Must Speak global initiative has supported countries in Africa to strengthen the use of data and research for education management and decision-making. It will draw on panelists from Ministries of Education from Namibia and Togo, as well as the UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti.

The webinar will contribute important knowledge and “know-how” to several ongoing global education discussions such as: 

  1. How education data systems can be strengthened to drive better policy decisions on resource allocation and to manage education systems equitably? 

  1. How education data can be transformed into user-friendly formats to inform education planning at decentralized levels and social accountability at community level 

  1. How to co-create and co-implement large-scale education research with Ministries of Education, local academics, and in-country partners during a global pandemic? 

The webinar will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation in French. 

Register to attend this event and be part of this discussion or catch the live stream on the UNICEF Innocenti YouTube channel

This co-hosted webinar is a joint effort between the Namibia Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, Namibia Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, Togo Ministry of Education (MEPSTA), UNICEF, UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti, UNICEF Namibia, and UNICEF Togo.



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