Africa Evidence Week 2021 event: Expanding EIDM support activities beyond boundaries: what works and what doesn’t

Séminaire en ligne  2021-09-17 3:30 après-midi    2021-09-17 5:00 après-midi

Africa Evidence Week 2021 event: Expanding EIDM support activities beyond boundaries: what works and what doesn’t

*All times listed are in GMT

We take advantage of the celebration to learn potentially useful lessons from other ecosystem actors about implementing evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) activities in the different countries and regions in Africa. This is in line with our strategic efforts to expand our operations beyond the current base in Accra (Ghana) after 5 years. 

The discussion will focus mostly on environmental factors conducive or inimical to the provision of support services, including political, legal and institutional arrangements in various African country contexts, and also sociocultural issues related to the production and use of research and other types of evidence. Relevant options for expanding operations within each of the settings discussed will be explored.

Target participants will include individuals and organisations interested in learning about the expansion of operations beyond national boundaries, particularly within African country contexts. While this discussion will focus more on governance issues around evidence ecosystem management, knowledge produced would equally be useful for most other sectors. The session promises to be engaging as real-life experiences in these African settings will be discussed. 

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africa evidence week africa evidence week 2021 event learns webinar