Africa Evidence Week 2021 event: Capacity development for evidence use in Africa: An orientation

Séminaire en ligne  2021-09-14 12:00 après-midi    2021-09-14 1:15 après-midi

Africa Evidence Week 2021 event: Capacity development for evidence use in Africa: An orientation

*All times listed here are in GMT 

This webinar will launch the AEN's new webinar series: Evidence Capacities. In this inaugural webinar, the speakers will explore and elaborate on the meanings and broad orientation of capacity development for evidence-use in Africa.


Kirchuffs Atengble (PACKS Africa, Ghana)


  • Dr Candice Morkel (CLEAR-AA, South Africa)
  • Leandro Echt (INASP, UK)
  • Dr Leyla Abdullahi (AFIDEP, Kenya)

The objectives of the broader #EvidenceCapacitiesWebinar series are to:

  • share experiences and ideas that push our thinking on how we enhance capacity for evidence-use in Africa;
  • enhance connections that can lead to collaborations among AEN members to strengthen evidence capacities using evidence- and practice-informed approaches; and
  • for these discussions to be the basis for improving and illustrating the Africa Evidence Network's Manifesto on capacity development for evidence-use in Africa.

Register to attend this webinar. 

Meeting URL


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africa evidence week africa evidence week 2021 event evidence capacities evidence capacities webinar series learns webinar