Virtuel  2020-09-23 8:00 matin    2020-09-25 5:00 après-midi



Free registration for EVIDENCE 2020 ONLINE is now open! Complete the online form and register today.


The EVIDENCE 2020 event is the biennial gathering hosted by the Africa Evidence Network. EVIDENCE 2020 ONLINE is being designed as a virtual working meeting that will foster collaboration, facilitate dialogue, and move forward the thinking, practice, and action to advance the use of evidence in decision-making across the continent. This preeminent event will aim to advance the African evidence ecosystem by building on and moving forward the work of the previous EVIDENCE conferences (access the reports for the 2014 Colloquim, Evidence 2016 and Evidence 2018 here).

As with previous EVIDENCE events, EVIDENCE 2020 ONLINE will be the most diverse of evidence events around the world, attracting participants from all sectors across civil society, government, academia, and all in between. It considers all types of evidence to inform the full range of decisions from understanding the issues, to assessing the impacts of interventions, to addressing those issues.

Happening from 23-25 September online, EVIDENCE 2020 ONLINE will be the culmination of a number of collaborative workstreams prioritised by Network members and facilitated by the Africa Evidence Network Secretariat. The event will lead to concrete outputs such as collaborative activities, funding applications, and position statements on priority issues in evidence-informed decision-making.

EVIDENCE 2020 ONLINE will employ a range of innovative approaches to facilitate networking and collaborative dialogue online, maximising opportunities for participants to engage with one another and with the high-quality content shared across our online event platforms. The working meeting will use technology in new and exciting ways to enable virtual participation, reduce our carbon footprint, and increase the inclusivity of our event. 

For more information, engage with our concept note and keep checking in here or your inbox for further updates about how to register and the programme on offer.  

EVIDENCE 2020 ONLINE will be an event like none other you have ever been part of.

Contenu de l'événement

Vous trouverez ci-dessous tout le contenu de Espace d'apprentissage qui ont les mêmes balises que cet événement.

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