Mary Jessica

Conférence  2022-06-22 12:00 matin    2022-06-23 12:00 matin

Peers Alley Media takes pleasure in inviting the scientific community across the globe to attend the 2nd International congress on Advances in Clinical Research & Trials during June 22-23, 2022 at Berlin, Germany with a motto to The Future of Clinical Trials: Data and analytics, new technologies and treatments that transform the global healthcare system of 2030.

The gathering will address health care professionals in the area of clinical trials, while laying emphasis on innovative methodologies in clinical trials and clinical research. Clinical R&T 2022 will be the best venue for CRO’s, CMO’s, Research Associates, Research Scientists, Directors, CEO’s, Deans, Students, Professors, Researchers, medical devices companies.

Clinical R&T 2022 will encourage Young Researcher’s Forum, scientists and the researchers in their early stage of career graph to widely discuss their outcome so as to enrich and develop the idea. The ‘Best Poster Award’ is meant to encourage students in taking active part in the International Science platform to sharpen their skills and knowledgebase.

The important tracks that are part of Clinical R&T 2022 includes Pre Clinical Research, Clinical Research and Clinical Trials, Clinical Study Designs, Patient-Centric Clinical Trials, Innovations in clinical Trials, Patient Recruiting Retention, Clinical Data Management and Statistics, Clinical and Medical Case Reports, Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety, Data management in Pharmacovigilance, Drug Discovery and Development, CRO or Sponsorship Clinical Trials, Bioethics and Quality Regulation, Post-marketing Surveillance, Research and Trials on Oncology and AIDS, Globalization of Clinical Trials, Clinical Trial Site Selection and Management, Clinical Trial Forecasting, Budgeting and Contracting, Biomedical Devices Clinical Research, Oncology Clinical Research, Regulatory affairs, Clinical Trials Auditing, Medical Device Research, Clinical Research Informatics, Translational and Experimental Clinical Research, Clinical Research in psychiatry, Clinical Research in occupational therapy, Pharmaceutical Medicines, Clinical Research in Oral health, Clinical Research for Surgeon, Respiratory virus and COVID 19, Diagnosis of COVID 19, Prevention and disease control of COVID-19, Treatment for Coronavirus.

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