Evidence Commission report launch

Séminaire en ligne  2022-01-27 3:00 après-midi    2022-01-28 2:00 matin

Evidence Commission report launch


How can we be better prepared for future societal challenges? Join one of the Evidence Commission webinars launching their report to learn more

‘Slow burn’ societal challenges like educational achievement, health-system performance and climate change have taken a backseat to the global pandemic, now entering its third year. But a global commission report, to be released later this month, finds that decision-makers responding to present-day societal challenges and tomorrow’s crises have an unprecedented opportunity to build on what has worked in using evidence before and during the pandemic.

Join one of the Evidence Commission’s launch webinars to learn more about the report and its recommendations:
>> Register now for the January 27th (8-9am EST) launch webinar 

>> Register now for the January 28th (9-10am AEDT) launch webinar for advanced time zones

Join us for the release of the Evidence Commission report and recommendations as we delve into:
• ‘Why now’ — our motivations for taking advantage of this most opportune time to close decision-making gaps between best evidence and the societal challenges we face
• ‘Who needs to do what’ — our aspirations for the various actors involved (those who can lead change) and what they can achieve (our vision for the future as outlined by the Evidence Commission’s recommendations); and
• Exemplars — examples in practice and policy that demonstrate the change the Evidence Commission is calling for is possible

The webinar will be hosted by the Secretariat Executive Lead Jenn Thornhill Verma and Secretariat Co-Lead Jeremy Grimshaw, and feature a brief overview of the Evidence Commission report by Secretariat Co-Lead John Lavis. They will be joined by Commissioners David Halpern (government policymaker from the United Kingdom), Fitsum Assefa Adela (government policymaker from Ethiopia), Kerry Albright (evidence intermediary from Italy) and Modupe Adefeso-Olateju (non-governmental organization leader from Nigeria).

Read the the Evidence Commission report and executive summary with additional report materials.