Virology World Conference

Conférence  2022-06-17 12:00 matin    2022-06-18 12:00 matin

Magnus Group is pleased to invite you to its prestigious event Virology World Conference” (VIROLOGY 2022) during June 17-18, 2022.

The conference will focus on its unique theme “VIRUS: Viral Infections, Immune Response and Unearthing Advancements to Combat Viral Spread.”

Viruses continue to play a vital role in biomedical research, ranging from molecular and cell biology, structural biology, and immunology to evolution, epidemiology, and bioinformatics, due to their global influence on human, animal, and plant health and their utility as tractable model systems. The virology conference meeting this year will concentrate on virus evolution, epidemics and outbreaks, as well as new viral infections and zoonoses. Leading virologists from around the world and throughout the broad area of virology will gather at this conference to present the findings of their current research. Participants will get the opportunity to exhibit their work in the form of posters and brief lectures, as well as debate their research in a stimulating and collegial setting. Attendees may count on VIROLOGY 2022 to provide a unique chance for direct discussion and benchmarking. Industry and regulators will share information to promote understanding and adoption of innovative techniques, identify new and emerging hazards, and explain unique regulatory approaches. Panel discussions and several networking opportunities will round out an amazing program, ensuring that you have a valuable and well-rounded learning experience.

Contact Email:

Phone: 1 (702) 988 2320

Dates: June 17-18, 2022

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