Séminaire en ligne  2023-04-26 2:00 après-midi    2023-12-14 6:00 après-midi



The Africa Evidence Network secretariat is hosting a series of webinars that cover capacity development topics in preparation for Evidence 2023. The primary objective of the Evidence 2023 capacities webinar series is to create a platform for sharing experiences and ideas that push our thinking on how (approaches) we enhance capacity for evidence use in Africa. The secondary objective is to generate ideas on the implications of novel approaches for wider ecosystem strengthening efforts. The tertiary objective is for these discussions to be the basis for improving and illustrating the AEN's Manifesto on capacity development for evidence use in Africa.

Being curtain-raiser events for Evidence 2023, the webinar series will comprise of 1 hour and 15 minutes sessions, culminating in content and practice session during the main event. Some of the webinars will illuminate and illustrate innovative ways that the principles in the Manifesto are being engaged in our capacity development efforts, while others will explore implications of these novel approaches for addressing capacity needs of different ecosystem actors in Africa, for example, citizens, policy officers, researchers, funders, capacity development professionals, etc. Topics/themes of specific webinar sessions will be generated to help meet each of the objectives identified above.

We want to use this webinar series as a tool to generate discussions within the evidence ecosystem in Africa about how capacities for evidence-informed decision-making should be developed. We hope then that you'll use this page to access each blog post and webinar or its recording and take the conversation further on LinkedIn with us.


Please contact if you have any queries or questions about any of the webinars in the series.

Date: Wednesday 29 November 2023, 14:00 - 15:15 SAST
Webinar 5: Exploring our collective knowledge on citizen evidence
Partner (s): Centre for Democratic Development, Ghana; University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Institut le Baromètre, Benin
Details: This episode of the Capacities webinar series engages the evidence community, exploring our foundational knowledge on citizen (community) evidence within EIDM ecosystems in Africa. Our seasoned panellists will share perspectives of what different practitioners are learning about citizen evidence within their respective ecosystems, and how differently actors will need to position themselves in advancing their uptake.


  • Deo-Gracias Houndolo (3ie)


To explore more on this topic, you can read the blog post associated with the webinar. And if you missed the live event, you can watch the webinar recording. Be sure to add to the conversation by sharing your thoughts with us on LinkedIn.


Date: Wednesday 30 August 2023, 14:00 - 15:15 SAST
Webinar 4: Capacity development for EIDM in Africa: implications of targeting structural and value issues for ecosystem actors
Partner (s): Cenfri, Rwanda; LARTES, Senegal; Lead for Ghana, Ghana
Details: This webinar will engage the evidence community, exploring implications for different stakeholders of the innovative approaches being deployed to address structural and value issues within evidence ecosystems in Africa. Our seasoned panellists will share perspectives of what these innovations aimed at addressing structural and value issues mean for EIDM practitioners within their respective ecosystems, and how differently these actors will need to position themselves.



To explore more on this topic, you can read the blog post associated with the webinar. And if you missed the live event, you can watch the webinar recording. Be sure to add to the conversation by sharing your thoughts with us on LinkedIn.


Date: Wednesday 05 July 2023, 14:00 - 15:15 SAST
Webinar 3: Innovating Capacity Development for EIDM in Africa: Addressing Structural and Value Issues within ecosystems
Partner (s): Afya Research Africa, Nairobi; Cenfri, Rwanda; Shule Direct, Dar es Salaam; World Food Programme, Latin America, and the Caribbean
Details: In this webinar, our seasoned panellists will share perspectives on how differently their capacity development interventions are targeting and addressing structural and value issues militating against EIDM within their respective ecosystems.



To explore more on this topic, you can read the blog post associated with the webinar. And if you missed the live event, watch the webinar recording. Be sure to add to the conversation by sharing your thoughts with us on LinkedIn.


Date: Wednesday 31 May 2023, 14:00 - 15:15 SAST
Webinar 2: Innovations in EIDM Capacity Development: implications for various stakeholders in Africa
Partner (s): Centre for Democratic Development, Ghana; Economic Policy Research Centre, Uganda; Hewlett Foundation, United States of America; International Centre for Evaluation and Development, Kenya
Details: This webinar aims to understand implications of the innovative approaches used by different practitioners for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM) capacity development in Africa.



To explore more on this topic, you can read the blog post associated with the webinar. And if you missed the live event, watch the webinar recording. Be sure to add to the conversation by sharing your thoughts with us on LinkedIn.


Date: Wednesday 26 April 2023, 14:00 - 15:15 SAST
Webinar 1: Capacity development for EIDM in Africa: exploring innovative approaches
Partner (s): African Institute for Development Policy, AFIDEP, Kenya and Malawi; Effective Basic Services, eBASE Africa, Cameroon; On Think Tanks ConsultingTEERE, Ghana
Details: At this inaugural webinar, the speakers will explore innovative approaches used by different practitioners for evidence-informed decision-making capacity development in Africa.



To explore more on this topic, you can read the blog post associated with the webinar. And if you missed the live event, watch the webinar recording. Be sure to add to the conversation by sharing your thoughts with us on LinkedIn.




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