ICT for Disaster Response Course

Conférence  2019-12-23 12:00 matin    2019-12-27 12:00 matin


Course Name: ICT for Disaster Response Course

Venue: Tech for Development Training Center, Nairobi, Kenya

Event Date: 23rd to 27th Dec, 2019

Course Fee: KES 75,000 OR USD 1,100

Online Registration: Register here

Tech For Development -T4D would like to invite you to a high impact Training Course in ICT for Disaster Response Course to be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 23rd to 27th Dec, 2019


This five (5) days training course explores how new information-, communication- and mapping technologies can be practically used to respond to disasters, augment situational awareness, improve relief coordination and much more.

The digital revolution is changing disaster response. From the earthquake in Haiti to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the recent earthquake in Nepal, a range of new tools can help national and international organizations respond faster and more effectively.

Some of these tools can help you complete your work faster and fewer mistakes some enable you to summon remote support on the fly in the middle of a disaster. Yet other tools help you make sense of the vast amount of information that is available and that can threaten to overwhelm you.

This course looks at a variety of real world examples from organizations working in the field and analyzes some of the key challenges related to access, implementation, scale, and verification that these new technologies can present. The course is designed to assist professionals in developing concrete strategies and technological skills to work amid this rapidly evolving landscape.


This course is beneficial too professional working in the management of disasters including decision makers, developing and planning officials, professionals in the housing, public works, governmental officials, and NGOs committed to disaster management. The course accommodates participants from all nations.


This course is designed for participants who are reasonably proficient in English and have an understanding of basic ICT concepts.


5 Days


After the course, participants will be able to:

  • Critically analyse both the opportunities and the pitfalls that emerge when working with technology to respond to crises
  • Connect relevant development and humanitarian approaches to the technological strategies and tools discussed in the course
  • Manage specific software platforms and utilize various technological tools for responding to and managing crises
  • Design dynamic and effective strategies for using technology platforms and tools to respond to challenges in the field
  • Develop confidence and critical self-awareness in working with social media, maps, and mobile technologies
  • Participants will have access to all course content for at least 4 months after course completion so the material can be completed and revisited later.


The course will be delivered through three modules:


Module I

Introduction & Social Media for Crisis Response

  • The Power of the Crowd: Digitizing the Response
  • Information Overload: Verification, Analysis, and Decision Making in Real-Time
  • How Social Media was Used in Response to the Earthquake in Haiti, Nepal and Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
  • Tools: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tomnod, AIDR
  • Tools collaborative Mapping in a crisis

Module II

Mapping the Crisis - New Techniques for Disaster Response and Preparedness

  • Differences Between Ushahidi and Open Street Map
  • Producing and using maps for disaster response
  • Damage mapping with Open Street Map (with examples from the Haiti, West Africa, Philippines and - hopefully - Nepal)
  • How Maps are Supporting the Ongoing Ebola Response
  • Online Mapping without a Mobile Internet Connection
  • Crowdsourcing Remote Mapping and Image Identification
  • Tools: Open Street Map, Ushahidi, TomNod, Field Papers
  • ICT tools for tracing and restoring family links

Module III

Mobile Response: How Mobile Technology is Changing Disaster Response

  • Collecting Data in the Field with Mobile Devices
  • SMS Campaigns for Early Warning and Crisis Prevention
  • Smartphones and Apps for Disaster Response
  • Using Secondary Data to Track Population Movements
  • Tools: ODK, Kobo Toolkit, TextIt, Magpi, Frontline SMS

 Module IV

Looking Ahead: Where New Technologies are Taking Us

  • What Roles can Drones play in Humanitarian Emergencies
  • Using the Web for De-Centralized Disaster Response
  • The Responsibility to Protect Data - How NGOs can Protect Sensitive Information

Presentation of course project by participants



This instructor led training course is delivered using a blended learning approach and comprises of presentations, guided sessions of practical exercise, web based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are seasoned industry experts with years of experience, working as professional and trainers in these fields.

All facilitation and course materials will be offered in English. The participants should be reasonably proficient in English.


Visit our website for more details.


This training course can also be tailored for your organization. This way, your organization will benefit by: 

  • Using own datasets and tools during the training.
  • Being able to choose areas of interest you wish the trainer to put more emphasis on.
  • Taking the course in-house or at a venue of choice.
  • Cutting on the cost of transport and accommodation.


Kindly visit this link to see video and photo testimonials of our previous training events.


Need more information? Kindly visit this link to see answers to frequently asked questions.


Register as individual

Contact information

Email: outreach@t4d.co.ke
Tel: +254 706909947
Website: www.t4d.co.ke

Kind regards.
Rose Ireri,
Customer Relationship Officer,
Tech For Development
Innovation for impact