Course On Competence-based Recruitment

Conférence  2024-04-08 12:00 matin    2024-04-12 12:00 matin

Competency-based Recruitment involves attracting the right qualified personnel for a particular job. It emphasizes on competencies in that all every person recruited for a particular job must be competent to take on the responsibilities that come with the job. Thus, this course offers an understanding to competence based recruitment to help the process of recruitment.  


By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the pros and cons of recruitment using competence- based approach
  • Define competence requirements needed in recruitment
  • Develop an interview on the basis of competencies
  • Identify elements of competence during an interview
  • Develop a structure to evaluate competence




Competency-based Recruitment targets HR personnel or professionals such as managers who are responsible for the recruitment process in their organizations. This course will benefit all professionals who want to use the competence based approach in their recruitment process.  COURSE OUTLINE

Introduction to Competence Based Recruitment

·Problem Areas Interviewing

·The Goal of Competency-Based Recruitment

·Recruitment and the Employment Equity Act – The Legal Framework

·Incorrect Recruitment Costs

Preparing for Recruitment:

·Job Analysis

·Development of Job Descriptions & Outlines

·Documentation of Technical Competencies & Qualifications

·Identification of core Behavioral Competencies

·Recruitment Advertising through Social Media

·Telephonic screening of applicants

·Reference-checking and other Screening Methods

The Selection / Interview Process:

·Group application exercises in Preparing Interview Guides

·Differentiating Types of Assessment – Choosing the best one

·Understanding Behavioural Event Interviewing

·Developing Competency-based Interview Questions

·Planning the Selection Interview

·Communication Skills for Structured Interviews

·Probing, Listening and Extracting Relevant Information

·Do’s & Don’ts for Selection Interviews

·Role of interviewing

·Developing Equitable Evaluation & Rating Procedures

·Identification of Potential Biases

·Unbiased Assessment of Interviewees

·Assessing Candidates in Groups & Panel Interviews

Post Assessment Activities


·This course is delivered by our seasoned trainers who have vast experience as expert professionals in the respective fields of practice. The course is taught through a mix of practical activities, theory, group works and case studies.

·Training manuals and additional reference materials are provided to the participants.

·Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be issued with a certificate.