Meltwater Digital Summit - PR meets Marketing

Conférence  2020-07-16 12:00 matin

Meltwater Digital Summit - PR meets Marketing

Get to Grips with Integrated Media Campaigns

The digital landscape we once knew is dead, and the traditional roles of PR and marketing professionals have been left in the dust. New challenges require us to constantly adapt and survive in order to thrive in our changing environments. 

This means pooling our resources, broadening our understanding of social and news media and learning to navigate the complexities of modern campaign management.

But, how is this possible when siloed teams are out of touch with one another and creating unnecessary complexities that mean double the output, double the reporting and double the support - thwarting sales efforts and increasing response times?

We’ve invited some of the world’s most respected communications and marketing leaders to bring their exclusive insights to the table.

So join us, and get the tools you need to adapt and evolve to the new, more unified normal.

Register for free here: