Issue brief: A tool for enhancing research uptake and evidence-use in policy and practice

Séminaire en ligne  2020-08-18 2:00 après-midi    2020-08-18 3:00 après-midi

Issue brief: A tool for enhancing research uptake and evidence-use in policy and practice

Cochrane South Africa invites you to a webinar on Issue Brief: A tool for enhancing research uptake and evidence-use in policy and practice.

This webinar is aimed at sharing the complexities and nuances of engaging with decision-makers and focusing on using an issue brief as a tool for sharing research results and their implications for policy and practice change. The webinar will include reflections from researchers who have put the tool into practice with decision-makers in South Africa.

Date: Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Time: 14h00 (GMT+2)

Venue: Online webinar – log-in details will be emailed to those who RSVP to on Monday, 17 August 2020

Presenter: Dr. Nasreen Jessani

Senior Researcher: Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care, Stellenbosch University

Head of Strategy: Africa Evidence Network, Africa Centre for Evidence

For more information, click here.

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