A Journey of Professional Evolution with the Africa Evidence Network

2024-05-22 advocates informs learns news story of change
Enock Musungwini is a seasoned public health practitioner, health policy specialist, health management consultant, and development practitioner with over 18 years of rich experience. He has been pivotal in promoting evidence-informed policies and practices in his current role as Programme Manager with Pangaea Zimbabwe and in previous engagements with various organisations. Enock's professional journey with the Africa Evidence Network (AEN) from 2015 to the present exemplifies the transformative potential of professional networks in personal and professional development. From his initial steps as an ordinary member of the AEN in 2015 to his current role as an AEN Reference Group committee member, his story highlights the remarkable growth and development influenced by his involvement with AEN and the Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM) space.
A Journey of Professional Evolution with the Africa Evidence Network

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advocates informs learns news story of change
A Journey of Professional Evolution with the Africa Evidence Network
2024-05-22 advocates informs learns news story of change
A Journey of Professional Evolution with the Africa Evidence Network
Enock Musungwini is a seasoned public health practitioner, health policy specialist, health management consultant, and development practitioner with over 18 years of rich experience. He has been pivot...
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